Once you`ve gotten to the point where you`re deciding who has to keep living with who in order to satisfy your own personal convictions about these things, you get into a very dangerous area, and Ken Cuccinelli`s notions of& ...
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2008 was not exactly a pleasant, relaxing year for Ken Lewis. You can see how he might have spent a large part of the year on the BofA corporate jet, but it`s hard to see how he would have had much time to do so for personal reasons. ... abuse links. Views expressed in the comments do not represent those of Reuters. For more information on our comment policy, see http://blogs.reuters.com/fulldisclosure/2010/09/27/toward-a-more-thoughtful-conversation-on-stories/& ...
What about Mack and Blankfein? ; We`re talking hundreds of millions of dollars here.
Those who are well-versed in the contemporary history of UFO`s will know that in 1947, a pilot named Kenneth Arnold had a sighting of nine unknown aircraft in the area of Mt. Rainier and Mount Adams. The objects arrived from the direction of Mount Baker and then passed in front .... Whitley Strieber seems to be a man who is having a personal quandary about a very real and traumatic moment in his life. This, in my opinion, should be seen as healthy and normal for& ...
Once you`ve gotten to the point where you`re deciding who has to keep living with who in order to satisfy your own personal convictions about these things, you get into a very dangerous area, and Ken Cuccinelli`s notions of& ...
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